Industrial labs
Use our industrial labs to bring your ideas to life. All of them feature state-of-the-art equipment for feasibility studies, prototyping, proofs of concept, demonstrators and accredited testing. For on-site support, rely on more than 150 multi-disciplinary engineers, scientists and technicians with proven track records.
All industrial labs
Europe's largest climatic test chambers
Take advantage of one of Europe’s largest climatic test chambers to test and verify compliance from arctic cold to desert heat.
Data and artificial intelligence competence lab
The Data and Artificial Intelligence Competence Lab of Sirris (EluciDATA Lab) bundles Sirris' expertise in advanced data processing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Lab's mission is to stimulate data innovation and the uptake of AI within the Belgian technological industry.
4.0 Made Real pilot Factory
Industry 4.0 means 'digital manufacturing' for your company and makes your production line faster, more flexible and more efficient. By chosing and implementing the right technologies in your industrial applications more 4.0 innovation possibilities appear, This way you are able to respond to the main trends, such as advanced customisation and mass customisation.
Additive manufacturing
At Sirris, we bridge the gap between technology and industry and guide anyone who wants to take steps toward Additive Manufacturing: from feasibility studies to the integration of AM technology in your production environment.
You are considering developing a micro product or miniaturised component. You want to materialise it, proceed to a proof-of-concept, optimise the design and produce on a large scale. Thanks to its expertise in Micro, Sirris’ Product Development Hub in Liège can support you every step of the way, from concept to industrialisation.
Quality testing
Test your materials and products in our labs: from standardized material tests to customized component and climate testing.
Flexible automation with cobots
Unlike conventional industrial robots, collaborate robots, also known as ‘cobots’, work side by side with the operators. The possibilities are countless: from pick-and-place operations on assembly lines, to polishing. Sirris is the ideal partner for assessing the deployment of cobots at your company.
Product Development Hub
Tomorrow's products are smaller, lighter and smarter. Their development is based on mastering new technologies and comprises many challenges. To support you in developing innovative products, Sirris has created the Product Development Hub.