Annual Report 2022: Towards Resilience

Marie-France Rousseau

As is our yearly tradition, Sirris has published its annual report. Discover the key figures of our operation in 2022, but above all: read along with us through some 20 concrete case studies of innovation projects within Belgian companies - just like yours, who, together with Sirris, have applied innovation in their surroundings. Let them serve as inspiration and guidance for your company to introduce and implement new technologies.

Innovation paradox of 2022

Jeroen Deleu, Director Strategy & Corporate Development at Sirris, notes, "The 2022 annual report illustrates the paradoxes and challenges faced by companies in the current climate. A notable point in 2022 was the increase in patent applications, despite global economic uncertainty. This indicates growth in innovation. However, we also observe that this growth has not led to a proportional increase in innovation projects among companies. We understand that geopolitical tensions, the energy crisis and the stock market situation have made companies more cautious, making them hesitant to take risks and innovate.

For precisely these reasons, we provide them with valuable insights and practical advice on how to innovate successfully and reduce innovation risks. The case studies in our annual report demonstrate how new technologies can be effectively and sustainably integrated within business processes."

“The proof of the pudding is in the eating”

Innovation put into practice, what does that mean in reality? Each case in our annual report is a story in itself. Hygi Panel, for example, tackled innovation from a different angle, which resulted in an automated line which was fully integrated into their existing production hall. Kulapro committed to an AR-based solution for smoother navigation on construction sites - which ensures the right door ends up in the right place. PowiDian tested its hydrogen-powered generator under extreme conditions in our climate chamber and, last but not least, VO developed – together with u – a science-based platform to optimally assemble co-creative teams.

One by one inspiring cases that show what is possible when innovation becomes a reality. Curious to discover the other cases? Make sure to read them in our annual report to discover a wide selection of new technologies, applied in practice.

On the road to resilience – taking the route with Sirris as trusted companion

Herman Derache, Managing Director of Sirris, highlights Sirris' role as a trusted partner for companies: "At Sirris, our core mission is to support companies in the introduction and adoption of technological innovations. Our 2022 annual report reflects this commitment and provides a solid foundation for companies looking for practical guidance and expertise to innovate successfully."




In 2022, Sirris guided 1,190 innovation projects and 140 R&D projects for 905 companies - more than 75 per cent of which are SMEs. Sirris delivered 115 webinars, trainings and master classes to 2,970 participants, and published 790 inspiration articles on, dedicated to some 20 technologies in five areas of expertise: Product Innovation, Advanced Manufacturing, Innovation Management, Digital Transformation and the Green Transition.


The experts at Sirris are ready – together with our extensive network of partners – to help Belgian companies introduce and adopt technological innovations and reduce their innovation risks.

Our practical support and sounding board role are now more than ever necessary and much sought-after – as we are also hearing in the market. Allow us to be your trusted companion in 2023, once again.


Read the full Annual Report


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Marie-France Rousseau

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