AI4DETAIL | Artificial Intelligence for DistributEd asseT usAge monItoring & anaLysis
The aim of AI4DETAIL is to accelerate the introduction of expertise in collecting and exploiting data on products in the field to a broad target group of companies. This is done by building up and transferring knowledge, such as by organising master classes and inspiring seminars, offering a technological experimentation platform, organising interactive ‘bring-your-own-data’ sessions and setting up company-specific projects.
Products today are usually designed, developed and maintained without detailed knowledge of who uses them, for what purposes and under what conditions. Consequences are over-design and extra costs, because conservative and unfounded assumptions are used; failure to find errors and long lead times, because the context of defects is difficult to reconstruct and understand; and endless subjective discussions about warranties and reliability, since improper use is difficult to prove...
Digitization offers an opportunity for improvement, by collecting data continuously and on a large scale about how products are used in the field and by exploiting these data via AI and ML technology.
AI4DETAIL will accelerate the introduction of technological and non-technological expertise around the collection and exploitation of data on how products are used in the field to a broad target group of companies. It will provide the necessary technology to collect distributed usage data more efficiently and use them more intelligently, as well as support companies in setting up experiments and projects with these new technologies. This will be done by building up and transferring knowledge, such as by organising master classes and inspiring seminars, offering a technological experimentation platform, organising interactive ‘bring-your-own-data’ sessions and setting up company-specific projects.
The AI4DETAIL platform will:
- Inspire companies and make them aware of the possibilities of processing usage data, through case studies and inspiring seminars.
- Support companies in assessing technological and non-technological challenges and risks, through demonstrators and master classes.
- Encourage companies to engage in active experimentation, via an experimental platform and interactive ‘bring-your-own-data’ sessions.
- Support companies in setting up company-specific projects.
Target group
This project is aimed at manufacturing companies that make their own product, as well as at companies that play a specific role in the complex value chain:
- Technology providers that offer a technological component that is integrated into their products by manufacturing companies.
- Companies that purchase and operate (some of) these products.
- Companies that ensure the operational use and maintenance of these products for their users (‘O&M partners’).
- In addition, companies offering AI-related technological solutions also belong to the target group.
Entrepreneurs and SMEs can always join the project.
Within the project, a pilot infrastructure will be set up to enable experimentation and address (non-)technological challenges related to: intelligent data reduction, opportunistic data transfer, distributed intelligence and technological-legal aspects.
What can companies expect:
- A case book with inspiring industrial examples.
- A handbook describing technological and non-technological challenges, risks and limitations, specific guidelines for solution paths and insights based on experience with them.
- The organisation of six master classes and seminars, with the aim of exchanging knowledge and experience on technological, economic and legal aspects of the exploitation of usage data
- The organisation of four interactive hands-on sessions, during which participants are interactively guided in experiments with their own data.