Close-up wind turbine at sea with logo of Wind Energy Summit 2023

Floating wind turbines and offshore hydrogen production take centre stage at third Wind Energy Technology Summit

Pieter Jan Jordaens

Following two successful summits, Sirris is organising the Wind Energy Technology Summit for the third time. The aim of the masterclass and the seminars is to inform and inspire companies and organisations about emerging technological developments in the (offshore) wind energy sector. This year, we are linking two seminars on emerging technologies - floating wind turbines and the combination of offshore hydrogen production with offshore renewable energy - in a two-day program. This is being done in combination with the Offshore Wind PhD Days. We will round off the Summit with a masterclass for new engineers in the (offshore) wind sector.

In the coming years, onshore and offshore wind energy will make an important contribution to the energy mix in Belgium, while knowledge and expertise accumulated from the entire value chain in our country have already become an export product that supports global growth ambitions in onshore and offshore wind. Belgian expertise in hydrogen technology also creates opportunities in the production of green hydrogen at sea. At the same time, the budding technologies discussed at the Wind Energy Technology Summit will still have to meet many challenges if they are to work reliably and efficiently in the harsh conditions of the North Sea. This creates opportunities for our Belgian companies and knowledge centres to contribute to the development of high-performance offshore solutions.

During the two days of the seminar, several Belgian and international speakers will describe new, state-of-the-art market insights and the latest innovation trends around two emerging themes in the offshore wind sector: floating wind turbines and the combination of hydrogen production at sea with offshore renewable energy.

The summit is aimed at established companies that want to gain from the latest insights as well as newcomers or entrepreneurs who want to become active in this growth sector and are looking for insights, knowledge, contacts and new networks.

On 12 and 13 September, the Offshore Wind PhD Days will take place. At this event, the Belgian academic community will come together to host an academic poster session at the same event location, in Ostend. To make it a real summit and to maximize cross-fertilisation between industry and academia, we will combine the networking for both events on 12 September. In short, Ostend is the place to be for innovative companies in the offshore wind sector in September.

12 September - Emerging offshore technologies: floating offshore wind technology

On the first day of the Wind Energy Technology Summit, the focus will be on market-related and technological developments and the challenges involved in floating wind turbines at sea.

Speakers already confirmed: World Forum Offshore Wind (WFO), Basque Energy Cluster, Multi-Engineering, Nautilus Floating Solutions (Wind2Grid floating substation project), Sener (HiveWind), Saitec, Elicio, Marlinks, Engie-Laborec and Parkwind.

A delegation from the Basque energy cluster will also participate in this seminar. Before the seminar program, which starts in the afternoon, companies will have the opportunity to interact with members of the Basque energy cluster in a B2B session on floating wind energy generation.

13 September - Emerging Offshore Technologies: Production of green electrons & molecules at sea

We will be holding this thematic seminar on the second day. This will be the third time we will be doing this. We will be looking at the (technological) challenges of the coming years and how offshore wind energy and hydrogen production are being combined internationally.

Speakers already confirmed: Lhyfe, AquaVentus, Parkwind, Hydrogen Europe, Elestor, Bekaert and Sirris.

In the morning we offer you the unique opportunity to visit the brand-new test facility Coastal & Ocean Basin (COB). The COB has a wave tank with unique features which can be relevant to the floating offshore wind sector, located in Ostend. Attendees of the Summit who only registered for day 1 can participate in this visit as well.


29 September - Masterclass: (Offshore) wind energy basics and state of the art for starting professionals

This masterclass gives new employees in your company and, more generally, interested parties who wish to become acquainted with (offshore) wind energy, a kick-start insight into the basics and the state-of-the-art of (offshore) wind turbines.

This course aims to give a helicopter overview to starting engineers, in which we zoom in on some specific aspects of an (offshore) wind turbine, such as subsurface, foundations, aerodynamics and the wind turbine technology itself. We focus on both the development and the operational phases and conclude with an overview of the latest innovations in the sector.


See you in September!

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