Adding novel surface functionalities to your high-value components can be a great way to stand out from the crowd. One option is to focus on coatings and careful material selection, another is to get creative with textures via ultra-short pulsed laser machining. Those things are exactly what I can help you with. Looking for low friction, easy to clean, antibacterial or other properties? Let’s create the right surface.
- Advanced Materials
- Advanced Production Technology
- Aerospace Engineering
Work experience
At Sirris, I mainly develop and manage our offering in surface functionality, including research projects, business plans for new services and hardware, and guiding companies towards functional surfaces. The latter can be either bilateral in feasibility studies or individual research projects, or within the framework of larger collective projects.
Just to show what our team can do: recently, we developed a new ultra-black texture for ESA which outperforms classical coatings. This will now be transferred towards real space applications together with the Belgian space industry by Sirris.
- Doctor in Engineering Sciences, Mechanical Engineering at KU Leuven (2013)
- Master in Aerospace Engineering, Production Technology at TU Delft (2006)
- Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft (2004)
Professional motto
“Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas”
– Publius Vergilius Maro, Georgica II, 490.
(or in plain 17th century English, by Dryden: “Happy the Man, who, studying Nature's Laws, Thro' known Effects can trace the secret Cause”)
Fun fact
I once designed and built a submarine with which I entered a race at a naval base in Washington DC