The Circular Shift - let's learn from each other!

Share your insights

It is remarkable how many opportunities and help exist to take further steps towards circular entrepreneurship. This ranges from do-it-yourself formats, intense business coaching (individual and collective) to obtaining funding to realise your plans.
But often we overlook one of the most important tools: sharing with each other the small successful steps we already took. This is extremely valuable. That is why we are introducing the SHIFT page (SHare Innovation Forward & Talk), where we ask one question every month.

We will share the answers here on this webpage, as well as in our next newsletter.

The question of the month

“How do you track progress towards circular business practices?”

Ideas on a post-it

Tips & tricks to start with circular economy

"Go out, check out what is moving, what exists and what is in progress. What is happening around you with suppliers, with customers, on the company premises, with stakeholders... This may give you inspiration and ideas."

"List all initiatives, projects and actions that have contributed to more circularity. Like many before you, you will be amazed to see what has already been achieved. Build on that."

"Set attractive and ambitious goals even before knowing how you will achieve them." 

Newsletter Circularity

Not receiving our newsletter yet? Reach out to Thomas Vandenhaute, and you'll not only get the answers to the SHIFT questions but also gain access to a wealth of information on Circularity.