
April 2024

More and more companies ask about security, vulnerable protocols and sensitive data exchange when buying from you. They need to be able to trust their vendors, machine builders and other tech providers to protect themselves and their customers. 
This masterclass is all about helping food companies, one step at a time, to use their already-available data in setting up their first AI applications. By using examples of AI applications, reference architectures for data, inspiring business cases...

May 2024

AI in manufacturing : le potentiel de l’IA appliqué à votre entreprise
Everyone is talking about digitisation these days, but what does this actually mean for your production processes? How do you use digitisation to make a tangible difference for your company and your customers? What should you focus on first and what...
QRM World Conference
A new QRM Silver training series on Quick Response Manufacturing will start in spring 2024. QRM is a growth strategy based on reducing lead times. This four-part course will enable you to initiate a QRM project, carry out the analysis phase and...
During this session you will receive a bigger picture view of the healthcare and life science industry and what the barriers are for a manufacturing supplier to enter the pharma and medical devices industry.
29 May 2024 13:30 - 21:00

Annual Event Agoria/Sirris: AI:Unboxed

AI:Unboxed is not just another conference. It is the gateway event to explore how AI can and will boost your business to unprecedented growth.
More and more companies are connecting their shop floor, often exposing legacy devices, or they trust their supply vendors for remote maintenance and exchanging sensitive data with their partners. But are these operations safe?
SLC-Lab Composites press
In order to introduce newcomers to the world of composites, Sirris organises a basic course on composites and their processing technologies. This crash course will give you an answer to numerous practical questions, such as 'What added value can...

June 2024

offshore wind farm
Following three successful summits in the past years, Sirris and its partners OWI-Lab, the Agoria Energy Technology Club and WaterstofNet are organizing the Wind Energy Technology Summit for the fourth time. Join us for a dynamic two-day exploration...
offshore wind farm
Following three successful summits in the past years, Sirris and its partners OWI-Lab, OCAS and the Agoria Energy Technology Club are organizing the Wind Energy Technology Summit for the fourth time. Join us for a dynamic two-day exploration in Ghent...